(Thanks to the Danone for Entrepreneurs Network, I have the chance to attend, with a team of 15 other fellows, the OuiShare Fest 2015: Intenational Summit for the Collaborative Economy - 1,000 international pioneers are gathering for three days of conferences, co-creations and interactions in Paris. Program details: http://2015.ouisharefest.com. Here is just a blog post to share the good vibs ;)
By a sunny morning, I arrive @ Cabaret Sauvage, great place for a gathering, embodying juggaad innovation: ingeniosity (mix of artistic and inventive style), low cost (DIY athmosphere, contrasting with the close Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie ), community based (the conference is in circus = circle prevails)
Charles is public speaker, self-described "degrowth activist" and author of several books including The Ascent of Humanity (2007), Sacred Economics (2011), and The More Beautiful World Our Hearts Know Is Possible (2013).
Robin is the founder and CEO of Buzzcar and Zipcar, innovative sharing service. She maintains the blog Network Musings on the topics of climate change, transportation, and wireless networks, and is the author of the recent Peer Incs.
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